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Quakertown Midget Football Association


Welcome to QMFA Cheer!

Please review the information about your program carefully and contact us with any questions about Cheer:  [email protected].  

Quakertown has 2 seasons.  Please note that different from years past, this year, you sign up for Fall Cheer which concludes at Nationals (if applicable).  The first season is also a season where we cheer for our football teams and spans from August through the last game in late October or early November.  This is the traditional season.  Athletes ages 4-7 are registered into non competitive cheer.  7 year-olds CAN choose to do Competitive cheer.  All teams participate in the Buxmont Cheer Competition in an exhibition manner or a competitive manner. 

  • Practice begins August 1st.  A parent meeting will be scheduled prior to the start of practice. 
  • Your coach will let you know where your practice area is going to be located.  Note: Coaches are not guaranteed.
  • Practices will be Monday thru Thursday nights from 6 pm - 8 pm. (with the exception to Lil Panthers & flag levels that may not practice all week and who's time is less due to the age)
  • Once school begins, practices will drop for non-comp squads to 2 nights a week. (Lil Panthers may be 1 night a week)
  • Parents should check with coach or team parent to stay informed and up to date on all issues.


Cheerleaders are required to cheer at home and away games.  Per Pop Warner rules, all cheerleaders must attend at least 8 games during the season.  They will also learn a half time routine. 


Quakertown offers competitive cheerleading and believes that our program excels in this area.  Every cheerleader (even non competitive) will compete at the BuxMont Cheer Competition which is typically scheduled on a Saturday in early October.  This is an opportunity for all cheerleaders to showcase their routine.  QMFA also has a parent exhibition often scheduled the Sunday prior to the Buxmont Competition.  Both are required.  For those on a competitive team, please note that attendance to practices is mandatory.  Should your child have repetitive absences, it can impact their role in their competition routine.  Additionally, it should be understood that competition season often extends beyond the traditional season.  More details on competition cheer are listed below. 

Team Placement

All cheerleaders will be placed on teams the 1st week in July based on age and the number of athletes registered in the program.  QMFA teams are based on the Pop Warner Age Guidelines (as of 8/1) which are as follows:

Non-Competitive Teams (Cheer Football and 1 exhibition competition):

  • Lil Panthers: 4
  • Flag: 5&6
  • Tiny Mites/Cub:  6&7

Competitive Teams (Cheer Football and various competitions- season may extend past November)

  • Mighty Mites: 8&9 (note: 7 year-olds may choose to do this, but it is a higher cost AND commitment) 
  • Jr Pee Wee: 9, 10&11
  • Pee Wee: 10, 11
  • JV: 11, 12, 13 
Others if applicable.

When registering, you will register your child by age. 

*Please note that QMFA reserves the right to move athletes and place them based on skill level.  

What’s Included with the Registration Fee?

  • Uniform and pom-pom rental
  • QMFA Season Bow
  • October Breast Cancer Bow
  • QMFA Insurance
  • QMFA Indoor Practice Space as needed
  • Routine Music
  • Routine Signs
  • Comp levels include competition fees for qualifying competitions (Regionals)

*Note: If a team advances beyond Regionals and Nationals, additional competition fees will be incurred by the cheerleader/family.  See below for more competition information  

Practice Expectations

Cheerleaders should arrive 10 minutes before practice.  Practices are required and missing multiple practices will result in losing a spot or being taken out of the routine.  August is a learning month.  If your child misses practice in August, s/he will be left behind.  Two weeks of conditioning are required prior to stunting or tumbling.  If your cheerleader misses practice, they will be required to condition prior to stunting and tumbling.  Cheer is a team sport and all members are critical for the routine.


Athletic sneakers must be worn to all practices and must be tied.  Without the correct sneakers, your child will NOT be allowed to practice.  No elevated sneakers or slip on are permitted.  No spaghetti strap, belly shirts, short shorts, jeans or jean shorts are permitted.  No jewelry is permitted and hair must be up and off shoulders.


Water Bottles should be brought to practice with Water or Gatorade.


It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to arrange transportation to and from practices/games in a timely manner.  Every effort should be made for cheerleaders to arrive on time.  Parents should be at pick up at the end about 10-15 minutes prior to the end of practice.  Only legal guardians may pick up a child without written permission to the head coach from the legal guardian.


Respectable behavior is expected at all times. Disorderly conduct will not be tolerated. Foul language will not be tolerated, anyone found using foul language will be dismissed immediately.  All cheerleaders will stay with their Coaches or certified Team Mom during practices, games, and game half-times.  In the event a cheerleading squad advances to a higher level of competition, they will travel and stay as a team at the entire event.


Please make certain your child's coach knows of any medical conditions or physical limitations such as Asthma or Allergies.  If your child is asthmatic, a second inhaler is requested to be kept by the coach in case the child forgets to bring it to practice or games.  If your child is allergic to bees, you must alert her coach.  Every parent must come to their child's practice area to get their child at the end of practice. The children will not be permitted to leave until the coach has acknowledged the parent or the person they've been told will be picking them up. Please inform your coach if someone other than you will be picking your child up from practice.


All parents are required to take a turn helping in the QMFA snack stand during the month of August and throughout the season; during your child's games, practices, and/or scheduled events. If you are unable to work at your scheduled time; as a courtesy, YOU must find a replacement and notify your team parent.  Parents may be assigned at any time and volunteer work will be tracked to ensure that all help. 


Cheerleaders can be dismissed without refund for the following reasons:  A cheerleader tells Coaches that she does not want to cheer.  A cheerleader attempts to intimidate fellow participants at practice by word and/or physical deed.  A cheerleader is an extreme discipline problem. A parent has not followed the Code of Conduct.  Each situation will be evaluated on a case by case basis.


Cheerleaders should arrive at the games at minimum one hour prior to a game and stay until the game is over.  Competitive squads may be required to arrive 1 1/2-2 hours prior to the start of a game.  Parents must be present at the game by the end of the 3rd quarter.  Cheerleaders cheer in rain, snow, and cold weather conditions. If the football players play, cheerleaders cheer. Cheerleaders should come prepared to the games with complete uniform available. For inclement weather, sweatpants or leggings may be worn along with sweaters, gloves, hats and, if needed, jackets. Cheerleaders are to stay with the team the ENTIRE game.


Uniforms are the property of the Quakertown Panthers. You will be responsible for damage or loss and will sign off on the condition of the uniform when distributed.  A uniform rental deposit may be required.   Care instructions sheets will be given when uniforms are distributed and should be followed explicitly.  Uniforms are to be worn ONLY for Official Quakertown Midget Football Association or Bux-Mont sponsored events (football games, competitions, and pictures). Uniforms are NOT to be worn as Halloween costumes. At the end of the season every cheerleader is responsible for returning their cleaned uniform at their designated time.  In order to maintain and accurate inventory of our uniforms your cooperation in this matter is needed.  You will be charged for a uniform if not returned.


Parents may be asked to purchase the following items to maintain a uniform look as a squad, which is at the parents/legal guardians' expense, and will be in addition to the registration fee: bloomers/boy shorts, white no show socks, cheer sneakers, and a crop top for non-competitive teams. Backpacks and Jackets are available for Comp level teams.   Your head coach or the cheer director will distribute details about these items.  For competition squads, there may be additional expenses if the head coach deems that additional items require purchase or a squad may have a "team dues" to help with these resources.  


Competitive Cheerleaders may compete in 3 Pop Warner sponsored competitions should they advance.

BuxMont Cheer Competition

·         Dates: Typically held last weekend in September or first weekend in October. 

·         Location:  TBD (local)

·         All Cheerleaders compete (non-competitive teams showcase their routine)

·         Qualifying teams will advance to Regionals.

Pop Warner Eastern Regional Cheerleading and Dance Competition

·         Dates: Typically held 1st weekend in November.

·         Location: Cure Insurance Arena, Trenton NJ

·         Qualifying teams will advance to Nationals

Pop Warner National Cheerleading and Dance Competition

·         Dates: 1st Week of December

·         Location: Orange County Convention Center, Orlando Florida

Please note: We request that the family hold the entire week of Nationals as the teams will not receive the Order of Performance until 2 weeks prior to the event.

Additional Fees that a competition cheerleader may incur include:

  • Competition Fees
  • Practice Space
  • Travel Expenses
  • Spirit Wear for Nationals (includes a shirt and shorts for each day)

Non Pop Warner

Quakertown Cheer Classic

·         Dates: Often MLK weekend.

·         Location: QCHS

·         Cost: $10-20/girl

Post Season Competition Opportunities:  If the team is participating, the Quakertown Classic would conclude Fall.

Spring Cheer would begin around 1/15.  

Spring cheer is new for Quakertown but expect that your athlete will compete in 2-3 competitions.  There will be a Comp Fee and this session is limited to those that are enrolled in Fall Cheer.  

YCADA Globals (near 100% likely for Spring Cheer)

·         Dates:  End of February

·         Location: Atlantic City, TBD

·         Cost: Appx $90 fee to cheer.  Travel Costs.

Other Competitions to deemed appropriate and approved.

Coaching/ Team Parent 
As a reminder, all positions within QMFA are volunteer roles and no one is compensated for their time.  Thus, we truly value and appreciate all volunteers and coaches.  Any member in good standing with QMFA may volunteer to hold a coaching or team parent position. Those interested in coaching must complete a coaching application and submit to the Director of Cheer to review and the Executive Board will complete a review of the application and notify the individual(s) who's applications have been approved. All coaches and team parents, must complete all clearances. In addition, all coaches and team parents must complete the online YCADA Coaches Education and Testing PW 101 course prior to the season start. Individuals who do not complete this course will be removed from their position. It is also highly recommended that coaches complete the Coaches Competitive Edge program to understand YCADA-Pop Warner skill levels and scoring guidelines.

All coaching staff and team parents must adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by Pop Warner and QMFA. All coaches and team parents must have knowledge and Pop Warner handbook. Coaches will operate under the direction of the Cheer Director and adhere to rules and regulations set forth by the association.

Per Pop Warner rules - Head Coaches are responsible for their own actions and the actions of the assistant coaches, staff, participants and parents. The head coach will determine the role and responsibilities of the assistant coaches. Head coaches are responsible for communication to parents regarding games, practices, competitions, team updates and any pertinent information that is passed down from the Cheer Director or the association. Head coaches are responsible for ensuring team books are put together and all paper work received is accurate, ensuring all cheerleaders have their correct uniform and collecting uniforms and pom-poms at the end of the season. 

Team Parents will be chosen by the head coach prior to the start of the season. Team parents are responsible for the following: 

  • Collecting team dues 
  • Keeping a detailed record of expenses used from team dues 
  • Working closely with the head coach to ensure the team book is properly put together and following up with parents if paper work is missing 
  • Carrying the team book to competitions for book check
  • Orders/ distributes competition gifts for the team
  • Collecting any order forms and distributing items to parents 
  • Acts as a liaison between coaches and parents when needed 
  • Assists with fundraising efforts 
  • Organizes and manages team snack schedule and snackstand duties 
  • Keep records any accidents requiring first aid 
  • Coordinates end-of-season team party 
  • Collects any additional funds throughout the season for spirit wear, camp fees, coaches gifts, etc.

For questions and inquiries about Quakertown Cheerleading, please reach out, our Cheer Director, Melissa Cipriotti at: [email protected].

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